Upcoming changes for November

Incoming AI conditions: Enemy Room HP > 25%Friendly Room HP > 25%Friendly Room HP > 0%Current HP > 75%Enemy Room HP > 75%Friendly Room HP > 75%Target Room HP > 75%Target Room HP < 25%Target Room HP > 25%Friendly Room Is On FireNew Current Room and Origin

Prestige update incoming!

Ahoy captains, Just a quick reminder that the crew prestige paths will be updated in just under a week, at the start of October. This is in line with our quarterly schedule of prestige changes. Keep this in mind when planning for your crew set-up,

Quarterly Prestige path update

Ahoy Captains, Just a quick reminder that the crew prestige recipes will be changing at the beginning of October, in line with our policy of quarterly updates to the prestige paths to accommodate new and/or re-balanced crews. Please be aware of this deadline when planning

PSS changelog, 23/08/2019

A.I. Changes Incoming: New AI conditions available soon: 'Your ship has no cloak' and 'Enemy ship has no cloak' triggers can now be used by crews and rooms. New AI command available soon: 'Set Power to 2' action can now be used with applicable rooms. Equipment changes: Added
