Galaxy Patch Notes V0.953.4

Hi Captains! Please find the latest Patch Notes below. This update is already rolling out and will be available on all Platforms over the next few hours. Please contact us if you experience any problems updating the game. V0.953.4 Patch Notes New Unity updateAdded new Social Media link buttons

Galaxy Patch Notes v0.953

Hi Captains! Please find the latest Patch Notes below. This update is scheduled to roll out later today on all platforms, including STEAM and MacOS. Please contact us if you experience any problems updating the game. V0.953 Patch Notes New room Sprites & Visual upgradesImproved Tutorial progressionMultiple Client Performance

Galaxy Update: Patch Today!

Hi, Captains! Over the next couple of hours, we will begin rolling out patch 0.950.2 to address a large number of performance issues and bugfixes. This update will not be available for iOS users for a short period. In the interest of providing a little more warning

Galaxy Superweapons Preview

Hi Captains! Today we wanted to provide a quick preview of the new faction Superweapons introduced in Galaxy. Each weapon has a unique design, feel and function - providing a massive array of possible strategies! As a quick reminder, our Kickstarter Campaign CLOSES SOON! We will NOT

Stretch Goals Announced!

Hi Captains! We hope you and your families are staying safe, happy and healthy. We cannot express our gratitude for everyone who has backed our Kickstarter Campaign so far. We're humbled and extremely driven to ensure your generosity is rewarded. We will continue to work hard to deliver

Upcoming Tournament Changes

Hi Captains! We hope you're staying safe, healthy and stocked with toilet paper. Just a quick update to announce that the upcoming Tournament 57 (LVII) will feature a few changes targetingunfair use of mechanics as a potential exploit. We have increased the duration of Immunity cooldown timers and

Looking Forward: Transparency

We would like to address a few concerns regarding the percentage chances of randomly generated in-game items (Using a system commonly known as RNG or Random Number Generator). We believe transparency to be extremely important as developers. It allows our players a glimpse into the extensive

Ship HP Rebalance

Greeting Captains, We come bearing glad tidings! In the coming week Savy will be adding a number of new features to PSS (Namely, the new AI commands and conditions as detailed in the previous post,) not the least of which will be an update to
