Galaxy Patch Notes V0.999.17
Hi Captains!
The Lunar New Year festivities have begun: Happy Year of the Snake!
Today’s patch includes 6 Room Skins and 3 Ship Stickers designed by players using the UGC submission tool:
Congratulations to Simon1250 (Anti-Craft Gatling Laser), Carbonar (No Upgrades, Only Naps), FatFox27 (Heavy Car), Pumpkipie (Butter The Cat), ElowizZ (Hunter), Cirrata (Friendly Ghost), MrMycelium (Armored Aquarium), berry bug (Starburst Beacon), and TDey-KingVietnam (Blood King Armor)!

To Vote on future skins, or to submit your own design and earn Starbux every time the skin is purchased, please visit the official UGC Design Page.
Be prepared – this Month’s Tournament features the Lost Profits Reward scenario, with each Tournament Battle having a chance to drop Crafting Materials from Annual Events.
Please find the latest Patch Notes below. This update is now available on Android, iOS, and Steam.
Please contact our Support Team if you experience any problems updating the game.
V0.999.17 Changelogs:
- Penetrator Missiles Reload Speed Penalty reduced from 15% to 0%
- Sponsor III Achievement Goal reduced from 1,000,000 to 100,000
- Mission Battles that are not finalized will now result in a Defeat. No HP/Resources are lost.
- ‘Mention’ shortcut added to Player Usernames in Chat
- Improved display of Training Stat increases
- Fixed a bug causing Starbux Repairs to trigger Free Repairs
- Fixed a bug causing Crews to break Adjacent Room restrictions when using a Recall Beacon
- Fixed a bug causing Crews to return to Ship when Teleport Room has no Power/is inactive
- Fixed a bug causing Task Force Xmas Perk to be delayed by EMP
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect ordering of Battle Replays in Starlog
- Fixed a bug preventing correct display of Tutorial Tips
- Fixed a bug preventing Crews with 0 Walk Stat from moving with added Stamina
- Fixed a bug preventing Crews from moving to the correct Room Slot when another Crew leaves
- Fixed a bug preventing Recall Beacons from triggering after EMP wears off
- Fixed a bug preventing New Season notification on login
Thank you for all of your feedback, which has led to many of the changes noted above. You can join these discussions in the Feedback section of our Official PSS Discord and on our subreddit.
Good Hunting, Captains!
-SavySoda Team