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Galaxy Patch Notes V0.998.14
Hi Captains!
Please find the latest Patch Notes below. This update is now available on Android, iOS, and Steam.
Please contact our Support Team if you experience any problems updating the game.
V0.998.14 Changelogs:
- Added a short delay to Federation Super Laser Volley
- Launch Pad Max Power/HP reduced to 2
- Launch Pad Room Reload Time reduced to 7 seconds
- Launch Pad Fighter Attack Reload Time reduced to 3 seconds
- Ion Cannon Max Power reduced to 5
- Ion Cannon Volleys reduced by 2-3
- Ground Battle Crew auto-fills using previous selection
- Ground Battle Auto-Battle Attacks now target lowest HP enemy
- Urgent Repair Ability now applies to all Party members in Ground Battles
- Firewalk Ability can now be toggled during Ground Battles
- Constellation Collection Bonus will now only activate when Crew is Idle as intended
- Room Skin Switching is now instant
- Room Skin Info panel now displays required Skin Set
- Implemented Battle Speed toggle for Ground Battles
- Client will no longer go into Sleep Mode while in Battle or Matchmaking
- Disconnect Panel Escape Key Shortcut changed to Enter Key
- Fixed a bug causing Item Info for Market to display “Get Premium” instead of “Buy Item”
- Fixed a bug causing iOS application to crash during shutdown
- Fixed a bug preventing Research Data from being retained when switching Accounts
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect Public Chat ordering on game start
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect sprite display for Craft Skin Missile Ammo
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect animation display when Fast-forwarding a Battle Replay
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect display of Fleet Council Crew Ability Icons
- Fixed a bug causing XP Items from updating Crew UI on Use
- Fixed a bug causing Auto-Battle toggle allowing Crews to breach Attack limits
- Fixed a bug causing Ground Battles to become unresponsive when using Fire Walk
- Fixed a bug preventing selection on a Target Room while selecting certain Weapon Rooms
- Fixed a bug preventing Skins requiring an item from being Usable despite meeting requirements
- Fixed a bug preventing Crews from being Drag-controlled when on Enemy Ship
- Fixed a bug preventing Purchases on Browser version
- Fixed a bug preventing Shield Skins from being displayed when using multiple Shield Skins
Thank you for all of your provided feedback, leading to many of the changes noted above. You can join these discussions in the Feedback section of our Official PSS Discord and on our subreddit.
Good Hunting, Captains!
-SavySoda Team