Pixel Starships China Launch

Hi Captains!

We are proud to announce that a new edition of Pixel Starships will be launched for the China region.

Pixel Starships, China Edition, will officially launch in mainland china in the coming weeks as 超时空星舰!

Additional information will also be available via our official publisher: AnJiaYou!

AnJiaYou has provided an additional message to all existing and new players in the China region below.

Pixel Starships(像素星舰)移动端版本即将上线中国大陆地区,中国大陆地区正式定名《超时空星舰》,预计本月底将开放测试!


We have some exciting announcements ahead of our next large update! To make sure you don’t miss any of the excitement, please consider joining our friendly Official PSS Discord and subreddit communities.

Good Hunting, Captains!

-SavySoda Team
