Galaxy Patch Notes V0.990.4
Hi Captains!
We hope everyone enjoyed this year’s Interstellar Independence event. There’s still a couple of days left to teach those dastardly Brito-Bots a lesson!
But it’s no time to relax, Captain. Keep an eye out for returning weekend Live AI and Lore-based events, with some serious summer spoils to follow…
Please find the latest Patch Notes below. This update is now available on Android, iOS, and Steam.
Please contact our Support Team if you experience any problems updating the game.
V0.990.4 Changelogs:
- New Research added: Vacuum Packing I, II, and III
- New Starlog Icons to indicate Battle Type
- Scratchy Items now always provide a Reward
- Multiple XP Book Items can now be used at once
- Crew XP can now overflow past Current Level when using an XP Book Item
- Crews can now Level continuously (if available) without closing the Panel
- Crews can now Level when accessed in the Crew Inventory Panel
- Disabled Camera Zoom on Crew Level Up animation
- Research: Python Requirements for several AI Commands lowered
- Reduced Level Requirements for Auto Machine Gun/HMG Turret Modules
- Minigun Ammo Capacity and Manufacture Rate increased
- Hwacha Drone Launcher Volley increased by 5
- BFR Projectile Flight Speed increased by 5
- New AI Conditions List:
- Current Room Has No Enemy Crew
- Current Room Has No Friendly Crew
- Origin Room Has No Enemy Crew
- Origin Room Has No Friendly Crew
- Enemy Room Has No Friendly Crew
- Friendly Room Has No Enemy Crew
- Friendly Room Has Friendly Crew
- Friendly Room Has No Friendly Crew
- New AI Actions List:
- Set Power to 3
- Set Power to 4
- Set Power to 5
- Set Power to 6
- Accounts must be Verified to participate in Public Chat
- Increased Mineral/Gas Market Price limits based on Ship Level
- In-App-Purchase Rewards are now Auto-Collected
- In-App-Purchase number of Bonus Fleet Gifts now scales appropriately
- Room Controls in Battle will now Highlight the Selected Room
- Borrowing a Crew from the Fleet will no longer close the Donated Crew panel
- Added Ship Camera Panning keyboard shortcut keys
- Updated several Default keyboard shortcut keys
- LLPVP Matchups can no longer be Scanned or Skipped
- LLPVP Draws and Escapes Rewards rescaled
- LLPVP Daily Battle Limit reduced to 12
- Regular PvP is now enabled after reaching the LLPVP Daily Battle Limit
- Fixed several Live AI bugs
- Fixed invalid Trophy Loss and Result displays in Starlog
- Fixed a bug preventing correct Ship Shaking animations/effects
- Fixed a bug with Friend Replay Sharing when either Target is not in a Fleet
- Fixed a bug causing an invalid display of Bank VIP Status
- Fixed a bug preventing the Bank Menu from refreshing after purchase
- Fixed a bug with Room Skins not displaying correctly in Inventory
Crew Prestige options have changed! Please make sure to triple-check any changes before starting a Prestige combination after the 1st of July.
Thank you for all of your provided feedback, leading to many of the changes noted above. You can join these discussions in the Feedback section of our Official PSS Discord and on our subreddit.
Good Hunting, Captains!
-SavySoda Team