Galaxy Patch Notes V0.999.15
Hi Captains!
We hope you had some excellent match-ups during last month’s Tournament Finals.
The Tournament Prize for November was a Limited Edition Skin for the Auxiliary Booster Room, the Summitran Obelisk! An alternate version, Auxiliary Rooster, is now available in the Dove Store.

Today’s patch includes 10 brand-new Room Skins created by players via the UGC submission tool:
Congratulations to MrMycelium (Psychedelic Cloaking Generator), Simon1250 (Server Reactor Core), Carbonar (Strange Alien Heart), Llama Cultist (Rift Gate), L´SQUARECODE110 (Neon Teleport), Hanstopz (Viper’s Gateway), solar_flare (DFC Reactor), Aria Demerzel (Blight Axis Transmission Room), ElowizZ (Saggitarius A Reactor), and Venloh (Terror-Vision Ghostly Factory)!

To Vote on future skins, or to submit your own design and earn Starbux every time the skin is purchased, please visit the official UGC Design Page.
Please find the latest Patch Notes below. This update is now available on Android, iOS, and Steam.
Please contact our Support Team if you experience any problems updating the game.
V0.999.15 Changelogs:
- NEW Rooms – Tractor Beam Emitter, Missile Pad, Ship Thrusters
- NEW Missile – Tracker Missile
- NEW UGC Menu added to the Shop Panel
- NEW UGC Sticker System
- NEW Fleet Objective System and Rewards
- NEW 1 Free Ship Repair per day
- NEW Players can now watch Ads to reduce Ship Repair time by 15 minutes
(Please Note: Due to recent Ad issues, this feature will have no use limit. A daily limit will appear in a future update) - NEW Ship Evasion Engine System
Ship Evasion values are now reduced by Missile Attacks
Missile Tracking Stat determines Evasion reduction value
Engine Power increases Max Evasion value (can exceed 100%)
Engines will now recharge Evasion as a % of Max Evasion
Engine Crew Support Stat increases Evasion Recharge rate
Evasion decays at a rate of 3% of Max Evasion per second if it exceeds Max Evasion - NEW Subscription Rewards:
+ Market Tax reduced by 5%
+ 1 Extra Free Repair per day
+ 1 Extra Market Sale Slot
+ 1 Extra Spice Trader Heroic Item Slot
+ 1 Extra Fleet Crew Donation Slot (Donation Only)
+ 1 Extra Mining Drone (New max of 4)
+ 1 Extra Daily Objective - NEW Lvl 13 Story and Daily Mission Sets
- NEW Gifting Purchase option available for purchases made at
- NEW Star Bar Beer Draws now guarantee a Hero Crew after 10 Draws
- Modules can now be placed in 1×2 Rooms
- Additional Launch Pad Room available at Lvl 13
- Doom Sphere Ship Hull lv13 T1 and T2 grids expanded
- SavySoda Collection Perk now has a 1-second Trigger Delay
- Abilities refreshed by SavySoda Collection Perk now use 50% of Crew ABL
- Cat Collection Perk Revive HP restored reduced to 70%
- Alien Tech Collection Perk Armor Bonus doubled
- MSL reload times are reduced as lower Levels
- Photon Phaser Reload Time reduced to 4 seconds
- Photon Phaser Shield Damage reduced to 1.6
- Dove Store Items will no longer be hidden inside “Mystery Boxes”
- Teleport Stun is now tracked separately from Freeze
- Teleport Stun now has a unique animation
- Recall Beacons will only be prioritized when using ‘Target Condition Room’ AI Action
- Crews no longer Activate Recall Beacons in adjacent Target Rooms
- Added ‘Active Enemy/Friendly Missiles’ Condition AI
- Added ‘Active Enemy/Friendly Craft’ Condition AI
- Added ‘Target Room is Superweapon’ Condition AI
- Improved Global Translations
- Updated Repair Kit icon
- Fixed a bug preventing Recall Beacons from clearing Crew Pathing
- Fixed a bug preventing Recall Beacons from being disabled by EMP
- Fixed a bug preventing Skin assets from being downloaded correctly
- Fixed a bug preventing Fleet Rankings from displaying in Fleet Menu
- Fixed a bug preventing Fleet Descriptions from displaying line breaks
- Fixed a bug preventing Repair Kit prompts from appearing in all PvE content
- Fixed a bug preventing Crews from being Blended while not in a Fleet
- Fixed a bug preventing Dove Store from refreshing Points after a purchase
- Fixed a bug preventing Crew HP from being displayed correctly in Crew Profile Menu
- Fixed a bug preventing FB Friends from being eligible for Friendly Battles
- Fixed a bug preventing Starbux collection from a Fleet Starbase
- Fixed a bug preventing Collection Achievements from being rewarded
- Fixed a bug causing Weapon Sprites to display in Crew Profile of Crew with no Weapon Slot
- Fixed a bug causing multiple Crew to Teleport to the Interdictor Gate at the same time
- Fixed a bug causing Interdictor Gate to function when powered down
- Fixed a bug causing Donated Crew to disappear from Inventory after Donation
- Fixed a bug causing strange Crew behavior after toggling Auto Battle in Ground Battles
- Fixed a bug causing AI Edit Menu to hide some options when selecting the ‘None’ Condition
- Fixed a bug causing a Starbase to appear in the Ship Scene before being constructed
New UGC Shop
There’s a new way to browse and collect amazing UGC designs made by players!

Open the in-game Shop Menu to access the UGC Shop, listing all approved UGC submissions and their player designers.
You can filter and organize the displayed options in several handy layouts. Keep an eye out for our first wave of UGC Ship Stickers, now available for design on the official UGC Design Page.
Thank you for all of your provided feedback, which has led to many of the changes noted above. You can join these discussions in the Feedback section of our Official PSS Discord and on our subreddit.
Good Hunting, Captains!
-SavySoda Team